
Our Webform Form Builder offers a robust suite of features for effortless form creation and management. With a drag-and-drop interface, customizable templates, and responsive design, you can easily build forms that look great on any device. Advanced options include multi-page forms, conditional logic, data validation, and various input fields like dropdowns, date pickers, and star ratings. Integrate with Google Sheets, email, and webhooks, and ensure data security with CAPTCHA and SSL. Customize every detail from logo placement to button colors, and enhance user engagement with images, videos, and digital signatures. Track performance with submission analysis tools and share forms easily via social media and email, all while providing a personalized thank you message upon submission.

Add Block

Single Line Input

Single Line Input

Collect brief responses with our single-line input field, perfect for names or short answers.

Multi-Line Input

Multi-Line Input

Allow users to provide detailed responses using multi-line input field.

Multi Select

Multi Select

Enable users to choose multiple options from a list, offering flexibility and precision.



Collect user email addresses with built-in validation to ensure accuracy.

Phone Number

Phone Number

Gather phone numbers with format validation for reliable contact information.

Single Select Option

Single Select Option

Let users select a single option from a list, ideal for clear and simple choices.

Multi Select Option

Multi Select Option

Allow users to pick multiple options, perfect for gathering detailed preferences.

Dropdown List

Dropdown List

Present a dropdown list for users to select from predefined options.



Collect dates with an easy-to-use date picker, ensuring accurate date entries.



Capture numeric data with validation to ensure correct and consistent entries.



Include a field for users to enter URLs, perfect for collecting website addresses.

Star Rating

Star Rating

Gather feedback with a star rating system, ideal for reviews and satisfaction scores.

File Upload

File Upload

Enable users to upload files directly through your forms for seamless document collection.



Allow users to sign forms digitally, adding an extra layer of verification.



Ensure form security with CAPTCHA, preventing spam and automated submissions.

Advanced blocks



Embed videos to provide instructions or additional information directly within the form.



Include images to make your forms visually appealing and informative.



Organize your form into distinct sections using dividers for better readability.



Add descriptive text to guide users through the form, enhancing the user experience.



Structure your forms with headings, providing clear sections and easy navigation.

Customize Form



Add your logo to the form for brand consistency and professional appearance.

Logo Position

Logo Position

Customize the position of your logo on the form to align with your brand guidelines.

Banner Background Position

Banner Background Position

Adjust the position of the banner background to fit your design preferences.

Banner Size

Banner Size

Set the banner size to ensure it fits perfectly within your form layout.

Form Size

Form Size

Adjust the overall size of your form to match the space available on your webpage.

Form Direction

Form Direction

Choose the direction of your form layout for optimal user experience.

Label Color

Label Color

Customize the color of form labels to align with your brand’s color scheme.

Text Color

Text Color

Set the text color to ensure readability and consistency with your brand.

Description Color

Description Color

Change the color of descriptions to make them stand out or blend in as needed.

Placeholder Color

Placeholder Color

Adjust the placeholder text color for better visibility or subtlety.

Error Color

Error Color

Set the color for error messages to catch users’ attention and aid form completion.

Background Color

Background Color

Customize the form’s background color to match your website or branding.

Submit Button Text

Submit Button Text

Personalize the text on the submit button to fit the action you want users to take.

Button Text Color

Button Text Color

Set the color of the button text for visibility and brand consistency.

Button Background Color

Button Background Color

Customize the background color of the submit button to make it stand out.

Button Position

Button Position

Adjust the position of the submit button for optimal placement and user experience.

Submission Analysis

Total Views

Total Views

Track the number of times your form has been viewed to gauge interest.

Total Submissions

Total Submissions

Monitor the total number of form submissions to measure engagement.

Full Submissions

Full Submissions

Count the number of complete form submissions to understand user commitment.

Partial Submissions

Partial Submissions

Identify the number of incomplete form submissions to address potential issues.

Completion Rate

Completion Rate

Calculate the percentage of users who complete the form to evaluate its effectiveness.

Post Submission


Customize the title of your thank you message to acknowledge users post-submission.


Add a description to your thank you message, providing additional information or next steps.

Generate Link

Share Link

Share Link

Generate a shareable link to distribute your form and collect responses easily.

Social and Email Sharing

Social and Email Sharing

Share your form links through various social platforms and email to reach a wider audience.