Compare Pricing

When comparing Webform's Free and Professional plans, it's clear that both offer a wealth of features to suit different needs. The Free plan provides a solid foundation with unlimited forms, questions per form, and monthly responses, making it ideal for personal use or small projects. However, the Professional plan takes things a step further by offering unlimited workspaces, removing Webform branding, and providing additional customization options like unlimited file uploads and integrations with Google Sheets, Webhooks, and Zapier. This makes the Professional plan a great choice for businesses and organizations looking for more advanced form-building capabilities and seamless integrations with other tools.

Number of Forms
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Question Per Form
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Monthly Response Limit
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Webform Branding
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Card Layout
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Classic Layout
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Email Notifications
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File Uploads
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2 MB Per File
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Custom ‘Thank you page’
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Form Metrics
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Add Your Logo
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Add Banner
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Customize Form
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Insert Image
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Insert Video
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Share Form
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View Partial Submission
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Google Sheets Integration
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Weekhook Integration
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Zapier Integration
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Advantages of using the Webform form builder :

Easy Form Creation

Easy Form Creation

Form builders typically provide a user-friendly interface that allows you to create forms quickly and without needing advanced technical skills.

Quick Customization

Quick Customization

You can customize the design and layout of your forms to match your branding and specific requirements.

Data Collection

Data Collection

Forms allow you to collect data from your audience, whether it's feedback, inquiries, or orders, which can help you make informed decisions.

Seamless Automation

Seamless Automation

 Many form builders offer automation features, such as sending automated responses or integrating with other tools to streamline workflows.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Form builders often provide analytics and reporting tools that allow you to analyze the data collected through your forms, helping you gain insights.

Improved User Experience

Improved User Experience

Forms can enhance the user experience by providing a convenient way for users to interact with your website or business.

Time and Cost Savings

Time and Cost Savings

Using a form builder can save you time and money compared to developing custom forms from scratch, as well as reducing the need for manual data entry.

Efficient Accessibility

Efficient Accessibility

Forms created with form builders are often responsive and accessible, ensuring they can be easily filled out on any device.